Why is good English important? The Nordic Region is awash with ideas, but English is the day-to-day language of international business, politics, culture and academia. We want to help spread those Nordic ideas, messages, products and research findings to the rest of the world.


Citadel Translations specialises in translations from Danish, Swedish and Norwegian into English. We put quality before quantity. Yes, we are flexible and able to take on large projects and short deadlines – but only if there is time for quality assurance.


“Tam McTurk is an extremely creative translator, the one we turn to for English that doesn’t read like a translation. He has a highly impressive grasp of the Scandinavian languages and is, quite simply, a very good writer. Over the years, Tam has translated everything from Danish rap songs and short stories to academic books, articles and texts, quality assurance programmes and course curricula for the Translation Centre at the University of Copenhagen. A dedicated and hardworking language professional, Tam always keeps up to date with the latest language and translation software, sticks to agreements and deadlines and consistently produces high quality work.”

Annette Lindegard, University of Copenhagen, Translation Centre | oc@hum.ku.dk


Plenty of Scandinavians write well in English. Citadel provides the final touch, the shine that makes your text sound natural. We do this for a range of Nordic companies, organisations, institutions, researchers and academics.


“Tam McTurk is a creative translator and excellent and careful copy editor. He has an impressive ability to grasp academic subject matter and express it in natural English. We have worked together on several occasions and I have no hesitation in recommending him. He has translated and copy-edited work for me on a diverse range of topics, and I have been impressed with his sense for the nuances that are so important to academic texts.”

Christian Borch, Professor of Political Sociology, Copenhagen Business School | cbo.mpp@cbs.dk


Citadel Translations provides a range of other services, including design work by experts in bilingual and multilingual projects, e-book design, advice on how to improve your in-house English writing skills and seminars on translation and technology.


“Tam McTurk udførte et virkelig overbevisende oversættearbejde med vores bog “Pseudoarbejde”. Både med en lydefri tekst i et smukt og overskudspræget engelsk, men også med egne gode input undervejs. Det har været et godt samarbejde hvor Tam har været i stand til at arbejde meget selvstændigt med opgaven, så der kun har været brug for ganske lidt sparring med os undervejs.”

Dennis Nørmark, forfatter